Residential Home Improvement
The Residential Home Improvement and Rehabilitation Grant Program or (“RHI&R Grant Program” or “Program”) provides financial assistance to local home owners of single-family residential properties (“Property” or “Properties”) seeking to repair, rehabilitate, and improve their property. This Program is intended to encourage projects, such as but not limited to, addressing health, safety, and accessibility concerns, restoring and repairing damaged building components, correcting ordinance or code violations, and making physical improvements which enhance and improve residential properties. Through this Program, the City hopes to create better living conditions for its residents, improve and preserve the existing housing stock, spur investment in residential properties, and generally improve the neighborhoods within the community. Grant funds are made available through and from the Shawneetown TIF Funds which are administered by the City and their economic development consultants.
For additional information regarding the Program Description and Terms, click here or see the attached document under Relevant Documents.

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- Residential Home Improvement